Friday, August 7, 2009

12 weeks update

I have seriously neglected starting this blog. Reasons may include, but aren't limited to:
- a real lack of time and energy after caring for the family all day
- disbelief/incredulity that I really am pregnant again
- nausea and fatigue, the busyness of summer
- school enrollment for the cover school I'm administer over is super hectic right now
- plus, the fact that I feel like I'm so behind already I shouldn't even bother.

However, I want to remember at least some of this pregnancy, and with the lack of brain function I'm currently experiencing, if I don't start documenting it soon, I won't recall anything! We are adjusting to the fact that we are going to be a family of 6, and I am daily more aware of that reality as my belly pooches out more and more. I am thankful, and amazed, still, at the fact that we are unexpectedly, without waiting for years, pregnant. I just can't get over it. I don't want to, I guess, but it has been a complicated and emotional journey for these past few months. That will be another post - the conflicting emotions this pregnancy has brought out in me.

God has been so good to encourage me through my dear husband and best friend, and reminds me often that though this baby wasn't planned, or even really asked for, we are going to be enriched by his or her life, and that God will give us the energy and resources to care for him or her too. I know that is true, but it is nice to remember on the days I have doubts.

The pregnancy has been pretty typical for me so far. I've gained 3 pounds, my normal first trimester routine. I've struggled with nausea too, about the same as with both Abigail and Elijah, and ended up actually being sick more, but part of that was due to the Evil Stomach Bug of the Century that I had a couple of weeks ago. The nausea seems all but gone for good, and I am thankful. Food again is very appealing, and smells good. For a while, it was awful to smell anything, even things I loved, and even favorites made me horribly sick. I am so glad to enjoy eating again!

Isaac and Abigail are very excited still, and helpful, as professional big brother and sister now. They eagerly await finding out who this little one is. Abigail especially longs for a sister, and we would love a girl to round out the family, but are praying for God's best for us. Elijah, of course, has no clue, and no concern yet, about becoming a big brother. He has recently night-weaned, and only nurses to go to sleep, which was an amazingly simple, quick process. I am so grateful, and proud of his cooperation. It has helped my fatigue some too, I think. Our next step with growing him up a little more, is to move him into Isaac's room. We hope that transition will go smoothly also, but plan to take it slowly to not overwhelm him.

We had a check-up Wednesday, and heard #4's heartbeat immediately. The nurse placed the Doppler on my tummy, and "whoosh whoosh," there it was! We were all so excited! The rate was 164, and sounded so wonderful. Dr. McK said he's pleased with how I'm doing, and we'll go back on September 10th for the ultrasound to determine if Abi gets a sister, or a puppy. Yes, that's the deal I made - if it's a brother, she can have the dog she has yearned for the past 2 years -but, NOT till her birthday in June. :-)

I'll probably back date some posts to catch things up on here. Thanks for reading along, and praying for our family during this time.


  1. Yea, I am so excited you are posting on this blog, I have been checking!!!! can't wait until Sept 10... thinking about yall... :)

  2. I'm excited also to see the blog up and going. And, I sure hope you don't have to get that puppy!!! LOL This baby girl is going to do great and mighty things! I just know it. Keep praying, Abigail!

