We went into today's appointment for a follow-up ultrasound fully prepared (as well as we could be) for confirmation that the pregnancy wasn't going to last, and for the next step to possibly be surgery. Though I have continued to feel very pregnant, with fatigue, nausea, hunger, and other weird, normal symptoms, I told myself repeatedly to guard my heart and remember that my body would still do this, even if there wasn't an actual baby growing. Abigail had steadfastly reminded us that she, Isaac, and Elijah were all miracle babies, and that God could choose to give us another miracle. I agreed it was possible, but tried to prepare her for the possibility that He may not give us another baby at this time. It has been hard to balance faith with reality, and believing God is capable of a miracle, when science is giving all indications that is unlikely and improbable.
However, I am so grateful, shocked, humbled, and amazed, to present to you, our fourth miracle:
As soon as the sonographer began the scan, I saw the flickering heartbeat, and a tiny little being. She happily announced, "I see a baby!" James laughed outloud, while I cried for joy. We are beyond thankful, and truly overwhelmed by God's graciousness to our family. He has strengthened us this past week through so many kind prayers and words of encouragement, and I know we would have been all right if today's news hadn't been so wonderful. Even now, we know that especially this early in a pregnancy, there are still things that could happen. But for now, we are rejoicing and celebrating that early in 2010, it appears that we will be parents again.
Our sweet daughter's faith has been an example to us all, and we are now awaiting the determination of whether this will be the little sister she's been praying for. If so, we have a very fitting name for the little stinker, who hid from sight last week. :-) I'm starting a new baby blog, and updates will be coming on that site, if you'd like to check in as our little one grows. The new address is http://ourbonusbaby.blogspot.com.
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