Monday, December 28, 2009

32 weeks

We had a wonderful, happy Christmas week. I hope you did too! It was full of visits with our family, and not stressful, but still pretty busy. Perhaps as a result of being fatigued, Friday night was a miserable evening with Owen kicking, flipping, and flopping for hours without stopping. I slept very little and was exhausted Saturday. Then, starting Saturday afternoon, I had Braxton-Hicks contractions and some lower back pain begin. That lasted well over 16 hours without letting up. I tried drinking even more water than normal (gallons, it seemed like), walked, rested, changed positions, and tried everything I knew to make them stop, finally just getting still on the recliner for 12 or more hours.

Eventually, with Owen strongly reacting before each contraction started, the contractions going from 8-9 minutes apart to 4 -5 consistently, and having had no sleep at all that night, James and I decided to call the doctor. Dr. C. was on call, and encouraged us to come in and be seen in Labor and Delivery to rule out preterm labor. James got back from a flight he was on with work, had his relief come in early, and we had our sweet friend Ronda to help with our children. We went in right at 7:00 Sunday morning where I was monitored for four hours, and checked twice, and then released. The contractions, of course, eventually slowed down, and the back pain got better too. There was some cervical thinning, but no dilation, so I was encouraged to follow up with the doctor today.

I saw Dr. C. this afternoon and had a quick, easy appointment. James met her for the first time, and we are really thankful for a nice female dr., who also seems knowledgeable and reasonable, which I've never had in the past. ;-) We went over the experience yesterday in Labor and Delivery and she was kind and encouraged me to not feel like I over reacted, and told me that they would all prefer I come in whenever concerned, and not wait things out at home. The back pain and over 16 hours of contractions were enough to warrant being checked out, and so she was glad we had come in. She said if that happened again, she would want me to do the same thing. She said we would want them to stop, until I reach 34 weeks. If I came in again, they would send me home with something to head them off in the even the contractions started back with that frequency. After 34 weeks, they would not be concerned and would let labor progress, if that's what it was.

Then, we had a couple of questions for her. James brought up our question regarding the due date, since from the beginning we have felt that I was two weeks farther along than the doctors have. The original due date was Feb. 3, and because we couldn't see a yolk sac on the first ultrasound, and did on the latter one, they adjusted the due date to Feb. 17th. Because of my cycle and when I finally knew for sure I was pregnant, I have been sure that the first date was more accurate. If we are right, then I would actually be 35 weeks on Wednesday, not 33, which is really even more encouraging that if Owen comes relatively soon, he probably is going to be just fine. Having had 2 healthy babies at 36 weeks, I'm really o.k. with him coming somewhere close to that, knowing we may not make it to 40 if I hold to my pattern thus far.

Our other question, because my biggest concern is not wanting to have to juggle the 3 kids we have with also visiting a baby in the NICU, was how the practice decides if a baby is admitted to that unit. Is it based on the baby's actual health, or just some protocol that says a baby born before 36 weeks is automatically admitted, etc? She assured us that they individually evaluated the infants, it wasn't based on just due date alone, and that if he was healthy, holding his temperature, etc. even if he was still small, then he would not need to be admitted. That made me feel much better, since I felt like the due date might be given more weight than it should. Being married to a former NICU nurse, I'm certainly not against those folks or the unit. I just wanted to be encouraged that Owen would go there only if he really needed to.

As far as progress goes, today I was still 50% effaced, and am now 1 cm dilated. She was not concerned, but says it just shows things are beginning to happen, which she would expect for a third pregnancy. However, she said that she felt it would be wise to put me on modified bed rest, to give us a little more time at least, and give Owen as long as possible to grow. There is no reason to want him to rush and be born, so I know that is good advice, though I don't exactly know what the term means. James says it means if I don't have to, don't do it. He gets off Thursday morning for a week, so we should be able to get things done at that point to make final preparation for our littlest boy's arrival. Then, no matter if he comes soon or not, we should be ready. I think yesterday was a good trial run and it helped me mentally focus on some things I want to be sure and remember for when I go to labor and delivery for real!

Please keep praying for us to get ready in every way, and to prepare our children for the new addition to come. I especially would love it if I don't go into labor while James is on a several hours' long flight with work, as he is a lot of the time, so if you think to pray for that, I would appreciate it! We are really hopeful and more at ease now, and know that yesterday our prayers were answered for him to be allowed to stay put a little bit longer. We also ask that God continues to give us peace that He will allow Owen to be born in His perfect timing. We are confident in that and excited he will be here before too long!

Friday, December 18, 2009

31 weeks

I had an encouraging appointment today. After feeling some pressure off and on lately, I have been a little concerned that Owen was getting ready to come too soon. Dr. C. confirmed that he is currently in position with his head down, but then checked and said nothing else is going on. I'm so relieved, and can enjoy Christmas without thinking that I may go into labor at any time. We are looking forward to celebrating with family, and I sure wasn't wanting to be on bedrest, so am very thankful. He is a wiggly boy, and I'm still having a good many Braxton-Hicks contractions too, but feel good most of the time. I am having a little swelling and pain in my feet, but compared to the months I suffered with that during Elijah's pregnancy, I am really not doing bad at all. We hope you have a wonderful Christmas season, and enjoy time with your family as well!

Monday, November 30, 2009

28 weeks

I am so amazed at all that's happened in the weeks since my last post. Sweet Owen is still growing and doing well, and life is moving quickly by. We have been through a hard month, as James' sweet dad, Pop, died on November 3rd, very suddenly. It's been an encouraging blessing to be able to focus on new life to come, while mourning a loss. We miss Pop every day, and one of the saddest things about his death is knowing how much he loved his family and wanted to see this newest grandson. We feel it's only proper and honorable to give our little boy his Pop's name, so he is officially going to be Owen Thomas Vines.

My last appointments with the doctors in my practice have gone well. Today was the glucose tolerance test, which I passed with a 123. My feet have started swelling more, just this past week, and feel achey, but my blood pressure was 106/62, so there is no problem there. Each doctor in the practice has quickly agreed to support me in a VBAC, and the last two have also encouraged me to not be surprised if Owen comes early, since Abigail and Elijah came about a month sooner than we expected. We are planning to be ready in case he follows their examples, and don't want to be surprised again! He may hang around till his due date in February, but we know after Christmas, that will still be here very soon! It makes these last weeks go by even quicker, with all the festivities and Elijah's birthday on December 15th as well. I can hardly believe we are in the last trimester of pregnancy.

Owen is probably around 2.5 pounds now, and he is very active. He flops and kicks a ton, and sometimes prefers my right side like his big brother did. Recently he's started curving around on that side and my belly looks deformed and funny when he does! He sure noticed when I took the glucose this morning, and was kicking and wiggling up a storm. Isaac and Abigail hug my belly and talk to him multiple times a day, and are still so excited to have another baby on the way. Elijah seems happy about it too, kissing my belly often, even pulling my shirt up enough so that he can lay with his face right on my belly button when he loves on "baby O." It is so precious to see how they each connect to this new little brother. I'm so thankful.

We met with our doula last week, and are anticipating her wonderful help and experience to be a great asset as I pursue a natural childbirth with Owen. We desired to have a natural birth with Elijah, but had no control over the placental abruption, and c-section that resulted and was the safest and only option at that time. I was telling a friend that the surprise of this pregnancy in many ways feels so surreal, and also like an opportunity to redeem that hope I felt I had to give up on when Elijah's birth was so uncontrolled and actually scary. I'm really looking forward to being able to experience this baby's entry to the world in a very different way than my two previous deliveries. Rachel has already been a blessing to us, and I think God will really use her at such a special time for our family. We'd appreciate your prayers for things to go smoothly, for the hospital staff to be cooperative and helpful, and for God to be honored in our actions. We treasure each moment of the pregnancy, and want to do the same throughout this little one's life, especially as he journeys to breathe his first moments outside his Mama!

Friday, October 9, 2009

21 weeks

I had an appointment this week, with my dear Dr. Mc, and it went well. Though I knew I had gained a good bit of weight since the last month's check-up, he was not worried about it and said I looked healthy. I should pass that on to the strangers (and friends) who make such encouraging comments, as "Wow! You are really showing now!" and "When are you due - soon?" :-( Sheesh.

I was thrilled also when Dr. Mc asked what I was thinking regarding another c-section or a vaginal delivery, and I told him my strong desire to have a VBAC, and that Dr. R. had already encouraged me that I should be able to. He said he was fine with it too, and felt that since my body had gone into labor fine on its own with Abigail, that I'd probably be able to do this again. I'm very thankful and hopeful that it does cooperate. My c-section wasn't horrible, but I certainly rather have a normal delivery this time, and be able to recover easier, without the length of time it took dealing with the incision. Having a 2 year old this time, I don't really want to have to be restricted from lifting and all either!

Dr. Mc said I'm measuring a couple of weeks ahead now, which is also normal for me. He said that is not necessarily anything to put stock in, which I know. Owen does seem to be active and healthy from everything we can tell though, and that is the best news. I can even see my belly moving, so know he's bigger and stronger, which is exciting!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Halfway there?

Today is the 20 week mark in this pregnancy, so we are at least close to the halfway point to meeting Owen face-to-face! We are so excited to make it to this milestone!

He has been more and more noticeably active lately, and it is so neat to feel him wiggling. I felt Elijah weeks earlier, closer to 14, which was crazy, but with the placenta's location, everything was more noticeable and uncomfortable. This time the flutters were more faint and felt more seldom until just this last week or so, when I even felt him when my hand was resting on my belly. I love that feeling and it just never ceases to amaze me.

Our email update today said he is probably close to the length of a banana, and weighing approximately 10.5 ounces. The big kids love having an idea of his size, so it's fun to let them know that weekly. They never fail to ask! My leg cramps have increased a little bit, and I'm feeling a little larger and more awkward, especially trying to get out of the bed in the night to walk off a cramp. Overall though, I'm feeling good, with good energy. We even did a ton of yardwork this weekend, which I was so thankful about, though I was not as happy the next day when the poison oak started breaking out all over. The weather has been so nice these past few days, and that energizes all of us to be outdoors more, and we are loving that opportunity.

I'll have another appointment next week to see how things are going and look forward to that. We'll keep you posted! Happy October!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

18 weeks

Here's what is happening with little Owen now:

Head to rump, your baby is about 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper) and he weighs almost 7 ounces. He's busy flexing his arms and legs — movements that you'll start noticing more and more in the weeks ahead. His blood vessels are visible through his thin skin, and his ears are now in their final position, although they're still standing out from his head a bit. A protective covering of myelin is beginning to form around his nerves, a process that will continue for a year after he's born.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Ponderings, premonitions, perfect names

I have mentioned how I have struggled throughout this pregnancy, just accepting it was real, though genuinely thankful to be given another opportunity to have this experience. It has seemed to go by quickly, and I guess due to the scare at the beginning when we weren't sure it was a viable pregnancy, I have just hesitated to get comfortable and couldn't assume that things would just be perfect today. I didn't feel dread, or fear, really, but just came to acknowledge yet again, how very much each life is a gift, and not to be assumed or taken for granted.

Thursday morning before the ultrasound, I really felt it was important to pray that we would happily receive whatever baby God planned for us, and I didn't mean a girl or boy. I have just gotten irritated lately when folks say well-meaning things like, "It doesn't matter if it's a girl or boy, as long as it's healthy." Of course, we all desire healthy children, but saying that sounds like we don't want the baby if it's not perfect. We know from personal experience, and many professional ones on James' part, that God can bless even through a baby who isn't perfectly formed in the world's eyes. Instead, we prayed a lot lately that we would be the right family for whoever God placed with us, and that that baby would be exactly who our family needed to care for. It's been amazing to hear even Isaac and Abigail pray similar things, especially Abi, when she has longed for a sister so much. When her prayers changed recently to asking God to give us the baby He wanted to, whether it was a boy or girl, I knew she was really learning and growing through all this.

I'm thankful for this journey. It's been so different with each baby, as any mom will say, I'm sure. Our becoming parents to Isaac, through fostering, and then adoption, was unique, mostly simple, and full of excitement and an easy adjustment. He already seemed like family, and just adapted to our home so well. The process of his being put into our family's life was so God, and how we were able to adopt him just still astounds me.

After years of trying and waiting for Abigail, my pregnancy with her was joyful and emotional. I was so amazed that I was actually finally carrying a baby, and so soon after becoming a mom to Isaac, that it was just incredible. She came a bit early at 36 weeks, but was perfect and healthy.

Then, we had several more years of waiting before Elijah. That was a painful process, of just being surprised at how hard it was again to feel that longing and not know if it would be fulfilled. The pregnancy was more difficult, and ended with bedrest, a placental abruption at 36 weeks, and a near-emergency C-section, so we were beyond thankful he just made it here fine. He was big and healthy too, and super laidback and snuggly.

We were just settling into life with these 3 when we were shocked to find out we were pregnant without trying to be, and so this pregnancy has been more full of doubts than the others. I think we are so used to the waiting and hoping that must give us time to adjust to enlarging our family, and without that this time, we have felt like we are playing catch-up emotionally! :-)

There has been this undercurrent in my thoughts that this baby may have issues, and that may be due to his iffy start - the concern over whether there was even a baby forming, and the joyous news when we found out he was there. But, I went into yesterday so prepared that even though I knew I was really pregnant, that we might hear something we haven't before, like the baby was sick or not developing normally, etc. When the tech told me as far as she could tell, he looked perfect, I really was overcome. It was just too much to take in. I hadn't cared really whether it was a boy or girl, and that statement just further reminded me how little the gender mattered. I know God asks some families to take on extra challenges, or face loss, after supposedly routine appointments like mine, and I just marvel that we have been so blessed to be given another healthy baby. I know things can change too, with the healthy of anyone in our family, and just appreciate the great health we have been given, and don't want to take it for granted. It's a blessing from Him, for sure.

So, the premonition part isn't about my psychic ability. :-) It's just neat how I felt like God gave me a glimpse of something this week before the appointment Thursday. Like I've mentioned, we have prayed and prayed as a family, for this baby's health, and who it would be, and how we wanted to be the right family for it. My only concern about whether it was a boy or girl, was related to Abigail, who has been so serious in her prayers for a sister, even before I was pregnant. James was even worried some that if the baby wasn't a girl, that she would feel disappointed in God. I was encouraged as the weeks have progressed, at her maturity and acceptance of God's plan, and not ours. I still was just praying that God would let me know ahead of time if he was a boy, to be able to comfort her and she was sad, and so I didn't show sadness for her, which I thought would upset her if she was really doing o.k.

Well, Wednesday night, before the appointment, she wanted to read at bedtime to me. I was tired, but agreed, wanting time to snuggle more with her, and talk about the next day. Isaac and Elijah were already asleep. She then chose a book to read, and it literally gave me chill bumps. I just smiled inside, and knew God had given me an answer. The title of the book was the only boy name we'd liked and had decided on as a family. The name for either sex would start with an O, and our girl name for months had been Olivia Hope. The only boy name that began with O that we really liked was Owen, and that was the sweet story she picked out that night. It's a precious story, and after she read it we talked about our baby, and prayed again for him or her. I asked her to please remember God knew who we needed and told her even if she was a little sad, that I hoped she could trust that God was doing the best thing. I felt like she was really peaceful about it all.

So, the next day during the ultrasound, I held her hand, and once we saw him, she just squeezed it, and smiled, and never wavered. I was so very thankful. I think if she'd looked disappointed, I would have cried for her, but she didn't. Her sweet spirit proved that maturity I'd prayed and hoped for, because even though she felt a little disappointment, she quickly focused on the fact that the baby looked great, and was who God decided we needed. There was no sad face or tears, and within no time, she was snuggling me and talking to her new little brother. I am so grateful for that. And, she quickly reminded me of his name and has talked about him ever since, with great joy. The big brothers are great too. Elijah snuggled on me during the ultrasound, and kept looking at the screen, and back to my tummy, saying, "Baby!" like he was making the connection somewhat. Isaac was thrilled, and said, "Finally, another boy!" to which we all shook our heads and reminded him we just had another boy.

Please pray for little Owen as he continues to grow. His name means "mighty warrior," and from the beginning of his life, he has had to fight just to prove he existed, so we think it's very fitting. We also pray he will be a strong man of God someday, whose faith will lead him every step of his life.

17 weeks and photos!

Yesterday was our big ultrasound, and we found out who this new baby is! What a great day! More posting coming later, but here are photos for now.

Here is a little belly, criscrossed legs (you can see the knee of one), and one eye and a little nose.

Sweet face, heart pumping, and ribcage.

Precious profile, tummy, knees and legs tucked under, as he is curved with his back towards mine.

And, no doubt about this one. :-) It's another boy!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Big Day

Today was our ultrasound appointment to find out who exactly this baby is.

Mom and Dad joined our family, so waited first with James and the kids, while I went back for the first part of the scan. The sweet tech, Abby, has done many ultrasounds for me before, with my past problems/surgeries, as well as happy occasions like this one. She remembered seeing me just over 10 weeks ago, to verify the fact that there was actually a baby growing in me, and was really kind about reaching this point. She mentioned I was a little early to have this ultrasound, and sometimes that made it harder to see everything, if the baby was small. Thankfully, she began measuring and clicking quickly, and said that the baby was showing up great, so there was no problem. I waited while she completed those moments of detailed work, and asked about the placenta, which I was thankful to hear was in the anterior position, NOT a previa like last time. First answer to prayer - Mama has no pesky placenta!

Then, she said she saw everything she needed to, that the baby looked perfect, and that it even measured ahead of my due date. I was not even surprised when it measured right where it would have been if we had kept the original date, but that was changed when we couldn't find anything in the yolk sack at the first ultrasound appointment. So, instead of measuring 17 weeks and a day, the baby measured 18 weeks. Nothing changes as far as the due date goes, but it was wonderful to hear that things have progressed steadily and that the baby has developed well. Another answer to prayer - development seems appropriate! Then, I asked if she could see what we were having, and she said that yes, she did know. As she printed off her information, I just was overwhelmed with emotion. I think it hit me, that we were actually going to have this little person join our family, and it was apparently very much healthy and seemed perfect, and I just burst into tears. I assured her, they were happy tears. But, after the rough beginning to this journey, I still feel shocked at times that we have made it thus far, and that this baby is still with us. That initial doubt is hard to get over!

So, the family came back, and enjoyed seeing the wiggly little person on the screen. The kids loved it, and we saw organs, bones, the brain, and heart ventricles, and little fists, eyes, feet - it was just beautiful. James was looking for diaphragmatic hernias, spina bifida, and intestinal issues, which Abby pointed out were all absent, thankfully. She said, "You know too much!" It's a curse sometimes, having the experience and information he does from being an NICU nurse. And, another prayer was answered - the baby appears very healthy.
Then, it was time to get over to the baby's bottom, and before she even paused, I saw the scan show an obvious scrotum, and then, she stopped, scooted back, and clearly showed every necessary part, and said, "There it is. You're having a little boy!" I glanced at Abigail, who calmly just smiled, squeezed my hand, and was just fine. Everyone else cheered, and we were genuinely so happy. I felt so full of gratitude that God had given us exactly who He desires to join our family, and another prayer was answered-God knows perfectly who our family needed.

Then, in a very sweet moment, Abigail leaned over smiling, and said, "It's Owen!" which is the name we'd chosen for a boy. It means 'mighty warrior,' which is fitting since this little guy has had to fight just to prove he existed from the beginning. We pray he is a brave, courageous warrior for Truth as he grows. We are honored to get to raise another son, and praise the Lord for His blessing us so!

Another post coming, about my appointment immediately after this ultrasound. It deserves its own entry, because of the great news I got then!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

16 weeks

Wow - time is flying! Today I reached the 16 week mark in this pregnancy. Abigail requested to listen to the baby's heartbeat this morning, so we did hear him/her loud and clear. Elijah's eyes get so wide when he hears that "chugga chugga" sound, and he points to my belly often and says, "babay!" I know he doesn't have a clue what all this means, but it's still sweet to see him be involved a little.

I am feeling good almost all the time, with just little spells of nausea when I get to moving too fast and haven't eaten often enough. I've gained about 6 pounds so far, but unfortunately look like I've gained about 20! I'm assuming just being pregnant 18 months apart has something to do with the pooch happening so quickly. The only weird thing I have noticed is the occasional feeling like my heart is pounding, but my blood pressure is its normal-to-low range, and it must just be the extra volume of blood moving through my body. I've had only a few headaches and leg cramps, which are normal afflictions at this point each pregnancy, so I'm grateful for that!

Here is my email update from today. I love reading about what is probably going on in there, and how big our little baby O. is. We can't wait to see this little one next week, and find out who he or she exactly is! YAY!!! Abigail has mellowed some on her outspoken desire for a sister, and though a little girl seems like it would round out our family so well, we are all very content with whoever God has planned for us. She even recently said that she while did want a sister, she loves having Elijah for a baby brother so much, that she is sure she'll be fine with another one. I told her I'm glad, since we can't control that. :-)

Get ready for a growth spurt. In the next few weeks, your baby will double his weight and add inches to his length . Right now, he's about the size of an avocado: 4 1/2 inches long (head to rump) and 3 1/2 ounces. His legs are much more developed, his head is more erect than it has been, and his eyes have moved closer to the front of his head. His ears are close to their final position, too. The patterning of his scalp has begun, though his locks aren't recognizable yet. He's even started growing toenails. And there's a lot happening inside as well. For example, his heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day, and this amount will continue to increase as your baby continues to develop.

Friday, August 7, 2009

12 weeks update

I have seriously neglected starting this blog. Reasons may include, but aren't limited to:
- a real lack of time and energy after caring for the family all day
- disbelief/incredulity that I really am pregnant again
- nausea and fatigue, the busyness of summer
- school enrollment for the cover school I'm administer over is super hectic right now
- plus, the fact that I feel like I'm so behind already I shouldn't even bother.

However, I want to remember at least some of this pregnancy, and with the lack of brain function I'm currently experiencing, if I don't start documenting it soon, I won't recall anything! We are adjusting to the fact that we are going to be a family of 6, and I am daily more aware of that reality as my belly pooches out more and more. I am thankful, and amazed, still, at the fact that we are unexpectedly, without waiting for years, pregnant. I just can't get over it. I don't want to, I guess, but it has been a complicated and emotional journey for these past few months. That will be another post - the conflicting emotions this pregnancy has brought out in me.

God has been so good to encourage me through my dear husband and best friend, and reminds me often that though this baby wasn't planned, or even really asked for, we are going to be enriched by his or her life, and that God will give us the energy and resources to care for him or her too. I know that is true, but it is nice to remember on the days I have doubts.

The pregnancy has been pretty typical for me so far. I've gained 3 pounds, my normal first trimester routine. I've struggled with nausea too, about the same as with both Abigail and Elijah, and ended up actually being sick more, but part of that was due to the Evil Stomach Bug of the Century that I had a couple of weeks ago. The nausea seems all but gone for good, and I am thankful. Food again is very appealing, and smells good. For a while, it was awful to smell anything, even things I loved, and even favorites made me horribly sick. I am so glad to enjoy eating again!

Isaac and Abigail are very excited still, and helpful, as professional big brother and sister now. They eagerly await finding out who this little one is. Abigail especially longs for a sister, and we would love a girl to round out the family, but are praying for God's best for us. Elijah, of course, has no clue, and no concern yet, about becoming a big brother. He has recently night-weaned, and only nurses to go to sleep, which was an amazingly simple, quick process. I am so grateful, and proud of his cooperation. It has helped my fatigue some too, I think. Our next step with growing him up a little more, is to move him into Isaac's room. We hope that transition will go smoothly also, but plan to take it slowly to not overwhelm him.

We had a check-up Wednesday, and heard #4's heartbeat immediately. The nurse placed the Doppler on my tummy, and "whoosh whoosh," there it was! We were all so excited! The rate was 164, and sounded so wonderful. Dr. McK said he's pleased with how I'm doing, and we'll go back on September 10th for the ultrasound to determine if Abi gets a sister, or a puppy. Yes, that's the deal I made - if it's a brother, she can have the dog she has yearned for the past 2 years -but, NOT till her birthday in June. :-)

I'll probably back date some posts to catch things up on here. Thanks for reading along, and praying for our family during this time.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Follow-Up Ultrasound

This was the post on our main blog announcing the happy news:

We went into today's appointment for a follow-up ultrasound fully prepared (as well as we could be) for confirmation that the pregnancy wasn't going to last, and for the next step to possibly be surgery. Though I have continued to feel very pregnant, with fatigue, nausea, hunger, and other weird, normal symptoms, I told myself repeatedly to guard my heart and remember that my body would still do this, even if there wasn't an actual baby growing. Abigail had steadfastly reminded us that she, Isaac, and Elijah were all miracle babies, and that God could choose to give us another miracle. I agreed it was possible, but tried to prepare her for the possibility that He may not give us another baby at this time. It has been hard to balance faith with reality, and believing God is capable of a miracle, when science is giving all indications that is unlikely and improbable.

However, I am so grateful, shocked, humbled, and amazed, to present to you, our fourth miracle:

As soon as the sonographer began the scan, I saw the flickering heartbeat, and a tiny little being. She happily announced, "I see a baby!" James laughed outloud, while I cried for joy. We are beyond thankful, and truly overwhelmed by God's graciousness to our family. He has strengthened us this past week through so many kind prayers and words of encouragement, and I know we would have been all right if today's news hadn't been so wonderful. Even now, we know that especially this early in a pregnancy, there are still things that could happen. But for now, we are rejoicing and celebrating that early in 2010, it appears that we will be parents again.

Our sweet daughter's faith has been an example to us all, and we are now awaiting the determination of whether this will be the little sister she's been praying for. If so, we have a very fitting name for the little stinker, who hid from sight last week. :-) I'm starting a new baby blog, and updates will be coming on that site, if you'd like to check in as our little one grows. The new address is

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The news, as told to family and friends

Here is the email we sent sharing the situation, and asking for prayer:

Last Saturday, I went on a hunch I had and took a pregnancy test. To my great shock, it was positive. I am still in disbelief, since we had purposely tried to avoid pregnancy since Elijah, even though the possibility seemed ridiculous with the difficulty I have always had getting pregnant. We truly felt like we were done having babies so wanted to just be smart, since we all know people who have been surprised with pregnancies after even years of infertility. Though James and I never planned to try to have another baby and instead hoped to adopt again at some point, after a few days of getting used to the idea, we began to accept it was going to be a blessing and for some reason, God was allowing it. I then had a dr. appt. Wed. that didn't go well, and now we are in a waiting time. After bloodwork and an ultrasound, the tests showed that though I have high HCG levels, (which means my body thinks it is pregnant and is acting as if it is) there was no embryo showing in the yolk sack. Dr. McKenzie said that could be because it was just a few days too early to see anything, but more likely that it's not a viable pregnancy, but a blighted ovum - an egg that didn't correctly fertilize, but where the body acts as if it is carrying a baby. I was disappointed, and of course, surprised again, since we have not had that problem before, but we still don't know anything for sure. He wanted me to make an appt. for a follow-up in 2 weeks, but then after seeing the lab results Fri. a.m., he called the RN and had her let me know he wanted me to come in this next Thursday for another ultrasound. He is more concerned, and doesn't think the pregnancy will last. I explained we were planning to go to the beach Monday thru Thursday, but I sure didn't feel like it right now, since I have all the symptoms of pregnancy, with a lot of nausea and fatigue, and the RN said that they recommended we not go, but stay home and try to rest. She was still encouraging and hopeful, but we are trying to be realistic, and all signs point to this not ending with a baby.

Honestly, we feel confused, like why in the world was there even the tease of another baby, when we were perfectly content, to possibly just have that taken away now? I am thankful that regardless of what happens, this is a more preferable scenario to a true miscarriage, since I think getting attached to a baby, then losing it would be much more painful. It doesn't mean that this isn't hard, because it is still sad and the loss of a pregnancy to an extent. But, I am hopeful that we will get through it as a family, and will someday understand better why we had to experience this.

It has been a hard few days, and I have been super emotional at times, but now am better emotionally, just really nauseated! We have explained things to the kids in simple terms and they have been so sweet. They are probably most disappointed that we are not going to the beach right now, but are also concerned about what is going to happen Thursday, and keep asking, "How long till we know if there is a baby?" :-) Abigail has reminded me how just last week, she started praying for a baby sister, so she is very hopeful that her prayer is being answered. We really do not want her to think God has ignored her if this pregnancy doesn't work out, so are trying to teach them that we want God's plan, not ours, and that we just don't know what that may be. It is hard to wait. After years of waiting to getting pregnant, we should be better at it by now though!

Thank you for praying with us for God to do what will ultimately allow us to be the best witness of His glory. Unless something changes before then, we will update you Thursday after the appointment. We love you.
