Thursday, January 14, 2010

35 weeks

Another simple appointment, with no big changes. I'm now at 70% effaced, still just 1 cm dilated, and O. has dropped a tiny bit, to -3. (Because someone asked - Definition: How far the baby is "down" in the pelvis, measured by the relationship of the fetal head to the ischial spines (sit bones). Measured in negative and positive numbers. -5 is a floating baby, 0 station is said to be engaged in the pelvis, and +5 is crowning).

Dr. McKenzie thinks things are going well, and that we are just waiting. He doesn't expect us to be still waiting in 3 more weeks, which is nice to hear. I feel all right overall, just still struggling with sinus congestion, and sore hands and feet. I can't complain too much about that though! I did ask him about the weird feeling that Owen had dropped the other day, for a couple of hours, then scooted back up into position under my ribcage, on the right side, where he's hung out for a while. He said that is totally possible, and that they can "visit" for a little bit before really dropping for good. I'm glad to hear I wasn't imagining things or crazy. :-)

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