Monday, December 28, 2009

32 weeks

We had a wonderful, happy Christmas week. I hope you did too! It was full of visits with our family, and not stressful, but still pretty busy. Perhaps as a result of being fatigued, Friday night was a miserable evening with Owen kicking, flipping, and flopping for hours without stopping. I slept very little and was exhausted Saturday. Then, starting Saturday afternoon, I had Braxton-Hicks contractions and some lower back pain begin. That lasted well over 16 hours without letting up. I tried drinking even more water than normal (gallons, it seemed like), walked, rested, changed positions, and tried everything I knew to make them stop, finally just getting still on the recliner for 12 or more hours.

Eventually, with Owen strongly reacting before each contraction started, the contractions going from 8-9 minutes apart to 4 -5 consistently, and having had no sleep at all that night, James and I decided to call the doctor. Dr. C. was on call, and encouraged us to come in and be seen in Labor and Delivery to rule out preterm labor. James got back from a flight he was on with work, had his relief come in early, and we had our sweet friend Ronda to help with our children. We went in right at 7:00 Sunday morning where I was monitored for four hours, and checked twice, and then released. The contractions, of course, eventually slowed down, and the back pain got better too. There was some cervical thinning, but no dilation, so I was encouraged to follow up with the doctor today.

I saw Dr. C. this afternoon and had a quick, easy appointment. James met her for the first time, and we are really thankful for a nice female dr., who also seems knowledgeable and reasonable, which I've never had in the past. ;-) We went over the experience yesterday in Labor and Delivery and she was kind and encouraged me to not feel like I over reacted, and told me that they would all prefer I come in whenever concerned, and not wait things out at home. The back pain and over 16 hours of contractions were enough to warrant being checked out, and so she was glad we had come in. She said if that happened again, she would want me to do the same thing. She said we would want them to stop, until I reach 34 weeks. If I came in again, they would send me home with something to head them off in the even the contractions started back with that frequency. After 34 weeks, they would not be concerned and would let labor progress, if that's what it was.

Then, we had a couple of questions for her. James brought up our question regarding the due date, since from the beginning we have felt that I was two weeks farther along than the doctors have. The original due date was Feb. 3, and because we couldn't see a yolk sac on the first ultrasound, and did on the latter one, they adjusted the due date to Feb. 17th. Because of my cycle and when I finally knew for sure I was pregnant, I have been sure that the first date was more accurate. If we are right, then I would actually be 35 weeks on Wednesday, not 33, which is really even more encouraging that if Owen comes relatively soon, he probably is going to be just fine. Having had 2 healthy babies at 36 weeks, I'm really o.k. with him coming somewhere close to that, knowing we may not make it to 40 if I hold to my pattern thus far.

Our other question, because my biggest concern is not wanting to have to juggle the 3 kids we have with also visiting a baby in the NICU, was how the practice decides if a baby is admitted to that unit. Is it based on the baby's actual health, or just some protocol that says a baby born before 36 weeks is automatically admitted, etc? She assured us that they individually evaluated the infants, it wasn't based on just due date alone, and that if he was healthy, holding his temperature, etc. even if he was still small, then he would not need to be admitted. That made me feel much better, since I felt like the due date might be given more weight than it should. Being married to a former NICU nurse, I'm certainly not against those folks or the unit. I just wanted to be encouraged that Owen would go there only if he really needed to.

As far as progress goes, today I was still 50% effaced, and am now 1 cm dilated. She was not concerned, but says it just shows things are beginning to happen, which she would expect for a third pregnancy. However, she said that she felt it would be wise to put me on modified bed rest, to give us a little more time at least, and give Owen as long as possible to grow. There is no reason to want him to rush and be born, so I know that is good advice, though I don't exactly know what the term means. James says it means if I don't have to, don't do it. He gets off Thursday morning for a week, so we should be able to get things done at that point to make final preparation for our littlest boy's arrival. Then, no matter if he comes soon or not, we should be ready. I think yesterday was a good trial run and it helped me mentally focus on some things I want to be sure and remember for when I go to labor and delivery for real!

Please keep praying for us to get ready in every way, and to prepare our children for the new addition to come. I especially would love it if I don't go into labor while James is on a several hours' long flight with work, as he is a lot of the time, so if you think to pray for that, I would appreciate it! We are really hopeful and more at ease now, and know that yesterday our prayers were answered for him to be allowed to stay put a little bit longer. We also ask that God continues to give us peace that He will allow Owen to be born in His perfect timing. We are confident in that and excited he will be here before too long!

1 comment:

  1. modified bed rest, eh?? somehow I remember hearing that somewhere.. im guessing a certain RN and a certain doula.. but Im beginning to believe James.. unless you hear it from the DR we may not have a chance at convincing you. hmmm?? you better not be like that in labor.. ;-P Im glad everything is going well and I agree about the due date.. we should hold on to that one.

