Friday, October 9, 2009

21 weeks

I had an appointment this week, with my dear Dr. Mc, and it went well. Though I knew I had gained a good bit of weight since the last month's check-up, he was not worried about it and said I looked healthy. I should pass that on to the strangers (and friends) who make such encouraging comments, as "Wow! You are really showing now!" and "When are you due - soon?" :-( Sheesh.

I was thrilled also when Dr. Mc asked what I was thinking regarding another c-section or a vaginal delivery, and I told him my strong desire to have a VBAC, and that Dr. R. had already encouraged me that I should be able to. He said he was fine with it too, and felt that since my body had gone into labor fine on its own with Abigail, that I'd probably be able to do this again. I'm very thankful and hopeful that it does cooperate. My c-section wasn't horrible, but I certainly rather have a normal delivery this time, and be able to recover easier, without the length of time it took dealing with the incision. Having a 2 year old this time, I don't really want to have to be restricted from lifting and all either!

Dr. Mc said I'm measuring a couple of weeks ahead now, which is also normal for me. He said that is not necessarily anything to put stock in, which I know. Owen does seem to be active and healthy from everything we can tell though, and that is the best news. I can even see my belly moving, so know he's bigger and stronger, which is exciting!

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